Lielās farmas ražotie medikamenti un vakcīnas ir zaudējušas pieprasījumu.
Ārsti kalpo cilvēkam un sistēma ir tāda, ka ārsts saņem vislielāko atlīdzību, jo veselāks ir pacients, nevis jo vairāk procedūras un zāles viņam izraksta.
2020. gadā veselības nozare cīnījās ar sekām, tērējot šim nolūkam mazāk nekā 1% līdzekļu. Turpretī šobrīd – 2030. gadā tieši cīņai ar cēloņiem tiek tērēta nozīmīga un atbilstoša veselības budžeta daļa – tādejādi arī sekām jātērē mazāk budžeta naudas.
Viss sākas ar Tevi, kas lasa šīs rindas –
– raksti savu priekšlikumu komentāros zemāk, vai sūti uz e-pastu:,
– uzfilmē savas idejas prezentāciju un publicē sociālajos tīklos ar tēmturi #ceļamBrivvalsti
The day started out like any other. Asuka was sitting in her classroom, minding her own business when she heard a scream coming from outside. She quickly got up and exited the room, only to see a group of students running in the other direction. Asuka didn't know what was going on, but she knew she had to find out.
She followed the students until she came to a large field. There, she saw a group of students fighting a giant monster. Asuka didn't know what to do, but she knew she had to help.
She ran towards the monster, weapon in hand, and began fighting. Despite her small size, she was able to fight off the monster and protect the students. She was proud of herself, and she knew she could
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